Friday, May 4, 2007

Aboriginal Rights and Treaties are in effect.

“Neither will try to steer the other’s vessel.”

This is our Crown Treaty promise.

A new beginning relearning an old way, the original way .

The Treaty way ... the traditional ways,

Protected in law,

But not in practice in Canada.

The Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared Residential School Children

claim thousands of children are buried in unmarked graves near the schools.

The traditional people, Clan Mothers, the Chiefs they choose, Nations Councils, their speakers, and the YOUTH … the Elders and the youth are reviving the culture,
their struggle to care for the land being stripped of resources and life itself,
for the seven generations of children, their obligation to the seven generations of ancestors.

They have the same concerns Canadians have
about the environment we have created.

They want to repatriate the remains of the children

who died in the residential schools.

There is no reconciliation without full disclosure.

The land was not given to us by our ancestors,

It was loaned to us by our children.

Indigenous Nations are legally entitled to consultation and accommodation
for all development and uses on their traditional land,
a share in resources and wealth of the land,
and self-determination in governance.
They never ceded sovereignty. We are allies.
We made Peace Treaties with them, to our advantage.
The Traditional Councils are beginning to assert their
Constitutional Aboriginal Rights and Treaties,
Peacefully, respectfully, simply asserting.
Canada has defaulted on all of its Treaties,
By International Law the treaties are in “jeopardy”
Canada, Canadians, CN, etc. can legally be denied access
to Treaty and Traditional lands.

If necessary, there will be a small demonstration of this

June 29 2007

Roads, railways and all other conveyances cross their lands,
carrying billion$ in resources from their lands
south across the border each day.

Canada’s economy … going south.

After 200 years of colonial rule and decades of resistance,
Ghandi ‘followed his people’ to the streets,
Famously, non-violently, shutting down the factories, ports, railways ,
Shutting down the economy of British Colonial
India ,
taking back self-determination for Indian people.

Canadians have absorbed some of the old ways
in the new environmental consciousness.
It’s a start. Now hit the streets because …

After 200 years of forced assimilation of Traditional Indigneous Nations peoples,

Government theft and fraud for their land, resources, money from their accounts,

(Some Canadians simply say genocide for land and resources, and some say Still…)

And some Canadians are embarking on new partnerships with Indigenous Nations.

Come along

June 29 2007

Inform the Government of Canada via your MP:

Constitutional Rights do not require permission.

Aboriginal Rights and Treaties are in effect.

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